AEI: Japan's Future,pubID.26795/pub_detail.asp

Such "inside baseball" politics may be of little interest to American observers, who are more concerned with what effect this will have on U.S.-Japanese cooperation.


Privately, some American government officials are furious with Mr. Ozawa for playing politics with the anti-terrorism law. ... The fear is that Pakistan will withdraw its ships if the Japanese leave, thereby eliminating the one Muslim nation in the Afghan coalition.


More importantly, Mr. Ozawa and others have made the case that Japan's subservience to America is both unconstitutional and dangerous--that it will drag Japan into faraway conflicts of little immediate consequence to Japanese national interests.


Mr. Ozawa now is insisting that Japan only join U.N.-run operations, and that it put less emphasis on the U.S. alliance. This is a risky ploy, both diplomatically and electorally. Washington is unlikely to significantly alter alliance promises, but a more independent approach on Tokyo's part may, if maintained long enough, slowly drive the two partners apart, as was the case with America and France during the Cold War.


If Japanese voters get a chance to see what such isolation is like, they may well punish Mr. Ozawa for doing unnecessary damage to Japan's most important alliance.
